Home News Bridge: June 8, 2024

Bridge: June 8, 2024

Bridge: June 8, 2024
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On “Simple Saturday” I focus on basic technique and logical thinking.

Learning bridge is a step-by-step process. Newer players are taught to draw the missing trumps. Advancing players learn the reasons to delay: to ruff losers, preserve entries, set up a fast discard for a loser, and more.

At today’s four spades, South ruffed the second heart and drew trumps; he had one left. He then attacked his side suit, leading the A-K and a third club. West won and led another heart, forcing out declarer’s last trump. South then took two clubs but lost the last two tricks; East had the ace of diamonds and a heart.


It’s a principle of dummy play: When trump control may be an issue, set up your side suit early. After South ruffs the second heart, he can take the ace of clubs, lead a trump to dummy, return a club to his king and concede a club.

South ruffs West’s heart return and leads a diamond to the king and ace. He can win any return, draw trumps and take the rest.


You hold: S 8 3 H A 9 8 3 2 D A 10 6 2 C J 10. Your partner opens one spade, you respond 1NT and he bids two hearts. What do you say?

ANSWER: Instead of counting points, use your imagination. Visualize minimum hands for partner that will make four hearts a good contract. If he has AK642,KQ75,3,Q65, he will have a good chance for 10 tricks and on a good day will win 11. You should raise to four hearts and put down your dummy with pride.

South dealer

N-S vulnerable


S K 10 4

H K 5 4

D K Q 7 4

C 5 3 2


S 9 6 5

H Q J 10 7

D J 9 5

C Q 9 8


S 8 3

H A 9 8 3 2

D A 10 6 2

C J 10


S A Q J 7 2

H 6

D 8 3

C A K 7 6 4

South West North East
1 S Pass 2 D Pass
3 C Pass 3 S Pass
4 S All Pass
Opening lead — H Q

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