Home News Bridge: April 29, 2024

Bridge: April 29, 2024

Bridge: April 29, 2024

“The Time Travel Club will meet here at 7:30 pm last Thursday.” — graffiti

No doubt you wish you could go back in time and have a second shot at deals you booted. At today’s 3NT, South won the first spade with the ace and let the nine of diamonds ride. East took the king and returned a spade.

South played low and won the third spade. He had eight tricks, but when he led a heart to his king next, West won and took two spades. Down one.


South mistimed. He is safe if West has the king of diamonds but will need a heart trick otherwise. If South must lose the lead twice, he must lose to West early, before the spades are set up.

South must win the first spade in dummy and lead a heart to his queen. If West wins to continue spades, South ducks, wins the third spade and finesses in diamonds. He is home when East has no more spades.

If West ducks the first heart, South finesses in diamonds. If East wins and returns a spade (or a heart), South is sure of at least nine tricks.


You hold: S K 6 4 H 5 3 2 D A Q 10 8 3 C K 10. Your partner opens one club, you bid one diamond and he rebids two clubs. The opponents pass. What do you say?

ANSWER: You should certainly make an effort to reach 3NT, the cheaper nine-trick game, but you can’t bid notrump yourself with no heart stopper. Bid two spades. If your partner bids 2NT next, raise to 3NT. If he goes to three diamonds or rebids three clubs, you will avoid notrump.

North dealer

N-S vulnerable


S K 6 4

H 5 3 2

D A Q 10 8 3

C K 10


S Q J 10 8 7

H A 7 4

D 7

C J 6 5 3


S 9 2

H J 9 8 6

D K 6 4

C Q 9 8 2


S A 5 3

H K Q 10

D J 9 5 2

C A 7 4

North East South West
1 D Pass 2 NT Pass
3 NT All Pass
Opening lead — S Q

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