Home News Bridge: May 30, 2024

Bridge: May 30, 2024

Bridge: May 30, 2024
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It’s said that the first step to wisdom is silence and the second is listening. If there is a third step, it must be drawing conclusions from what you see and hear.

At today’s five clubs, South took the ace of spades, ruffed a spade, led a trump to dummy and returned a heart to his queen. West took the king and led a third spade.

Declarer ruffed, cashed the ace of hearts, ruffed a heart, led a trump to his hand and ruffed his last heart. He then led the jack of diamonds — and East followed with the five. After much thought, South let the jack ride, and West won and returned a diamond to East’s ace. Down one.


I’m not sure what South was thinking about, but his play was unwise. When he led the jack of diamonds, he knew West had held a singleton trump, K-J-6-4 in hearts and quite probably Q-J-8-3 in spades. The ace of diamonds would have given him 11 high-card points and ideal distribution for a passed-hand takeout double.

South should have put up his king of diamonds.


You hold: S K 10 6 5 2 H 10 9 5 D A 8 5 2 C 7. The dealer, at your left, opens two hearts (a weak two-bid). Your partner doubles, and the next player passes. What do you say?

ANSWER: To oblige you to act (maybe at the three level), partner has a hand worth 15 or more points. He will have support for the unbid suits or a strong hand with his own suit. Jump to three spades. A bid of two spades would promise nothing, and game is likely.

West dealer

N-S vulnerable


S A 7 4

H 8 7

D J 10 3

C Q 9 6 5 4


S Q J 8 3

H K J 6 4

D Q 9 6 4

C 8


S K 10 6 5 2

H 10 9 5

D A 8 5 2

C 7


S 9

H A Q 3 2

D K 7

C A K J 10 3 2

West North East South
Pass Pass Pass 1 C
Pass 2 C Pass 2 H
Pass 3 C Pass 5 C
All Pass
Opening lead — S Q

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