Home News Letters: Require recount | Delaying tactics | Campaign for revenge

Letters: Require recount | Delaying tactics | Campaign for revenge

Letters: Require recount | Delaying tactics | Campaign for revenge

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Election ties should
require a recount

Re: “Fix California’s broken election recount system” (Page A6, May 9).

I requested California’s first recount of a statewide ballot measure and helped craft legislation mandating recounts for statewide contests within 0.00015%. But this would not have applied to the congressional race tied by Evan Low and Joe Simitian for second. Instead, a voter requested to pay for a recount, anticipating a refund of their money if the outcome changed.

Ultimately, Low was declared the second-place winner after ballots missed by error were added. The secretary of state ruled a refund would not be issued as Low advanced either way. The Santa Clara Registrar of Voters website states, “If the outcome of the recount has changed the election results in the requestor’s favor, the deposit is returned.” I believe it’s to Low’s favor to face one opponent rather than two, and a refund should be issued.

To strengthen November’s election, recount costs, which vary greatly statewide, should be standardized, and automatic recounts required in a tie.

John Maa
San Francisco

Trump’s delaying tactics
have already worked

Re: “Justice delayed — other Trump cases still matter” (Page A8, June 2).

Donald Trump is guilty. I honestly don’t know if that’s good or bad.

It could be a call to arms to save a martyr. It could mean that people remember the roiling mass of discord and lies coming from Trump and will think about not voting for him in November.

Trump portrays himself as the victim, who had an election stolen. He claims the Biden administration went after him for political reasons. He says, “If they can do this to me they can do it to you.”

Trump’s delaying tactics worked; no more court decisions will come before the election.

David Eisbach
San Jose

Oppose Trump’s
campaign for revenge

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