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Ask Amy: How can we get this family to move out...

Dear Readers: As I announced last week, my final “Ask Amy” column in this space will run on June 30. (Readers will be able...

Ask Amy: Here’s what happened after the bad career advice from...

Dear Readers: I appreciate it when people give me updates on previously published advice.Below is a Q&A originally published in 2016, and then the...

Ask Amy: My unsociable neighbor doesn’t know about me and his...

Dear Amy: After my spouse of over 40 years died last year. I have moved forward in my life in a positive manner.I am...

Ask Amy: Amy Dickinson announces her column is ending

Dear Readers: After 21 years writing the “Ask Amy” column, I’m announcing that I’m leaving this space. My final column will run at the...

Ask Amy: Am I being unreasonable about my husband’s attachment to...

Dear Amy: My husband of 45 years recently came to me with a proposal. He wants to deepen a friendship with a single woman...

Ask Amy: My girlfriend tells me to leave, and I don’t...

Dear Amy: I’ve been with my girlfriend for eight months. Most of the time, we’re really happy.I believe we are very well suited for...

Ask Amy: It would be wrong for me to keep all...

Dear Amy: My mother recently died, and I’m expecting a relatively substantial inheritance from her.My dad died several years ago. My brother is also dead,...

Ask Amy: These annoying men are ruining my favorite hangout

Dear Amy: I am a single woman in my mid-50s. I never married or had children, and I like it this way.I enjoy people...

Ask Amy: It was a lovely wedding. And then we got...

Dear Amy: A wedding dilemma: My sister recently had a small wedding, and all of our family members were involved and pitched in.I planned...

Ask Amy: I was flustered to see him with his boyfriend

Dear Amy: My son “Jack” is 26 years old. Five years ago, he came out to me as gay.While this didn’t fully surprise me,...