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WFA: Desiccation – Everything Is Noise

For a past writing gig, I would spend hours browsing Bandcamp to find the newest heavy metal releases that resonated with me. Much like...

State Supreme Court seems poised to leave Prop 22 unchanged

By Levi Sumagaysay | CalMattersBased on their line of questioning, California Supreme Court justices seemed to be reaching for a compromise as they heard...

$20 billion: The Delta tunnel’s new price tag

By Rachel Becker | CalMattersCalifornia’s contentious and long-debated plan to replumb the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and pump more water south finally has a price...

The New Core: From The Studio To The Stage – Everything...

There was that red haired no shoes drummer again… I knew he looked familiar! Turns out SYSC’s AJ Tartol was filling in for Greyhaven‘s...

SeeYouSpaceCowboy – “Coup de Grâce” – Everything Is Noise

There’s quite an overlap between film, theater, and music. Just try to imagine a movie or play sans music. Many films (Jaws, Psycho, Star...

Bay Area police chase: Suspect bails out of stolen car on...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6wqD_KgW_Q Video posted online Tuesday by California Highway Patrol Golden Gate’s Air Division captures Bay Area cops chasing a suspect driving a car stolen...