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Tag: climate change

How Many Charging Stations Would We Need to Totally Replace Gas...

Buyers curious about making the switch to electric vehicles have made it clear in survey after survey after survey: Charging kind of freaks them...

The Sea Is Swallowing This Mexican Town

"That's why my husband hardly ever goes out anymore. You have to go far out to sea," says Florencia Hernandez, 81, grandmother of Otsoa...

US Offshore Wind Farms Are Being Strangled With Red Tape

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license.America’s first large-scale offshore wind farms began sending power to the Northeast in...

Only the Hardiest Trees Can Survive Today’s Urban Inferno

The rules for Toronto’s ravines are based on the idea that a species will develop traits specific to a location as they grow over...

Mexico Is So, Hot Monkeys Are Falling to Their Death From...

Since the 2000s, cacao production has declined, due to plant diseases and falling local prices, causing many people to turn their cacao farms into...

Everyone’s Pumped About Heat Pumps

Lauren Goode: Yeah. You recommended a podcast episode with her too.Michael Calore: I did, yeah.Lauren Goode: Was it the Fresh Air one?Michael Calore: Yeah....

‘Furiosa’ Crystalizes the Power—and Limits—of Cli-Fi

The title card that opens 1979’s original Mad Max places the action in a very near future, looming just “a few years from now.”...

The World Is Ignoring the Other Deadly Kind of Carbon

Once again, vast expanses of Canadian wilderness are on fire, threatening towns and forcing thousands to flee. It appears to be a breakout of...

How one Safeway controversy kicked off the spread of gas station...

When Pinole made news last month for being the first East Bay city to ban new gas stations, the small community of 18,000 was...

Trees, not asphalt: The $1 billion effort to build ‘cooler’ California...

As summer approaches and temperatures soar, one of the most dangerous places for Bay Area students might actually be the playground.On a hot, sunny...