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Harriette Cole: Can I use this other man to fix my...

DEAR HARRIETTE: I have been married for many years, and for a lot of them I have been unhappy.We have been in a sexless...

Miss Manners: Was I wrong to play this prank on the...

DEAR MISS MANNERS: While my best friend and her partner do not believe in traditional marriage, they were married at city hall following the...

Miss Manners: They ditched our high-drama friend, and now they pretend...

DEAR MISS MANNERS: For over a decade, we had a close bunch of friends who socialized frequently. Then came Josh and Jenna’s horrid divorce.We...

Dear Abby: My wife just wants to be a loving grandma....

DEAR ABBY: Ever since our daughter moved out, married and had children, she has become a different person.She doesn’t treat my wife like a...

Harriette Cole: Now that she has a lot of money, she...

DEAR HARRIETTE: One of my closest friends recently landed a new job that pays significantly better than the positions held by the rest of...

Ask Amy: Can I go after the widow for what was...

Dear Amy: I’m writing to you to ask your opinion of a moral/ethical situation that I am experiencing. Many years ago, my mother died,...

Miss Manners: I realized only later that they were talking about...

DEAR MISS MANNERS: I have been mortified, twice, by close friends while talking on the phone. They each told a story about a friend...

Harriette Cole: What I’d say to the woman who insists on...

DEAR HARRIETTE: I’m replying to “High Expectations,” the woman who wants a $1 million engagement ring. We all have expectations, dreams and standards in...

Dear Abby: Turns out she never had cancer, and now she...

DEAR ABBY: The first Christmas my future husband and I were dating, he gave me an angel ring. I asked him to take me...