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Tag: hardcore

SECT – “Plagues Upon Plagues” – Everything Is Noise

Every year, as the weather warms, I find myself turning from the icy clutches of black metal and the cavernous hollowness of funeral doom...

Ancst – “culture of brutality” – Everything Is Noise

culture of brutality is blackened death metal on crack. Every song is lean, sinewy, and wastes absolutely no time beating around the bush. The...

Thou – “Umbilical” – Everything Is Noise

With Umbilical, Thou have severed the cord from their experimental selves, eschewing it for tortured sludge-punk and spiteful introspection. Release date: May 31, 2024 |...

The New Core: From The Studio To The Stage – Everything...

There was that red haired no shoes drummer again… I knew he looked familiar! Turns out SYSC’s AJ Tartol was filling in for Greyhaven‘s...

Dive Headfirst Into the Gutter “Hellhole” of RATS WILL FEAST –...

It’s not every day when you get to write about your fellow countrymen over here – especially when the country in question is a...

SeeYouSpaceCowboy – “Coup de Grâce” – Everything Is Noise

There’s quite an overlap between film, theater, and music. Just try to imagine a movie or play sans music. Many films (Jaws, Psycho, Star...

Life’s Question – “Life’s Question” – Everything Is Noise

With a self-titled EP that refines and simplifies their stylishly expansive hardcore, for Life’s Question are Flatspot Records the answer? Release date: April 19, 2024...

Terminal Nation – “Echoes Of The Devil’s Den” – Everything Is...

I’m writing this review, or at least starting it, on Friday, April 26, the end of a week where I’ve seen hundreds of...