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Tag: higher education

State Assembly approves streamlining West Valley College tuition waiver

West Valley students will soon receive automatic tuition waivers for community college classes, thanks to a bill that passed in the state Assembly on...

Want to teach? New Alameda County partnership will help prospective educators...

In an effort to tackle the ongoing East Bay teacher shortage, the Alameda County Office of Education has teamed up with Reach University to...

Granderson: Here’s one way to bring college costs back in line...

It took me by surprise when my son initially floated the idea of not going to college. His mother and I attended undergrad together....

Letters: CalPERS’ responsibility | Anti-BDS law | Strengthen rules | Normal...

Submit your letter to the editor via this form. Read more Letters to the Editor.CalPERS’ responsibilityis also to taxpayersRe: “Pension investments in fossil fuels...

Opinion: How California’s ‘math wars’ are hurting Black and Latino students

California’s math wars are roiling the state’s educational system, with contentious debates over high school curricula. At issue is whether a “data science” course...

Milpitas police launch transparency portal

Police transparency portal Milpitas recently launched a Police Department Transparency Portal, an online platform aimed at providing the public with a deeper insight into...

French: When a mob gets to veto a valedictorian’s speech

On Tuesday, the University of Southern California canceled a planned graduation speech by its valedictorian, a young woman named Asna Tabassum. My New...

High profile for-profit Bay Area coding school BloomTech hit by feds...

High-profile Bay Area coding school BloomTech, which touts “dream” technology jobs at companies such as Google and Amazon, has been sanctioned by federal...

Letters: Utility tax | Mitigation leader | Recovering from Trump |...

Submit your letter to the editor via this form. Read more Letters to the Editor. Pressure Legislatureto remedy utility tax Re: “State’s utility charge saga...

UC Regents name Richard Lyons as new UC Berkeley chancellor

BERKELEY — Richard Lyons, UC Berkeley’s associate vice chancellor for Innovation & Entrepreneurship and an alumni of the university, has been named as...