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Tag: miss manners

Miss Manners: My husband is still complaining about the wedding bungle

DEAR MISS MANNERS: I received an invitation to the wedding of a colleague’s child. Every piece of correspondence noted, “This is a black-tie affair....

Miss Manners: Is it really so horrible to have a guest...

DEAR MISS MANNERS: We are empty-nesters who always seem to have a guest stopping by for a night.I love having guests. What I don’t...

Miss Manners: Is my wife right that our college grad owes...

DEAR MISS MANNERS: I was wondering if my daughter should have sent thank-you cards to my wife and myself when she graduated from college.My...

Miss Manners: How do I tell him he’s coming across as...

DEAR MISS MANNERS: I’m a 23-year-old lady with a 54-year-old father. At restaurants, he often makes comments to the waitresses, asking them if they’re...

Miss Manners: What should he have said to the rude shopper?

DEAR MISS MANNERS: My husband was at the grocery store yesterday and a woman was blocking the aisle, bending over to look at an...

Miss Manners: My gift wasn’t on the child’s registry, and the...

DEAR MISS MANNERS: Gifts used to be something one put thought into. Unlike some of your readers, I don’t mind wedding registries. I treat...

Miss Manners: My son was invited to a dance and then...

DEAR MISS MANNERS: My son was invited to a high school dance by a young lady from another school.When he arrived to take group...

Miss Manners: Was I wrong to play this prank on the...

DEAR MISS MANNERS: While my best friend and her partner do not believe in traditional marriage, they were married at city hall following the...

Miss Manners: We told our friends the truth, and now they’ve...

DEAR MISS MANNERS: We were scheduled to have dinner with two friends at the tail end of a fun week — several days of...

Miss Manners: They ditched our high-drama friend, and now they pretend...

DEAR MISS MANNERS: For over a decade, we had a close bunch of friends who socialized frequently. Then came Josh and Jenna’s horrid divorce.We...