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Tag: wedding

Miss Manners: My husband is still complaining about the wedding bungle

DEAR MISS MANNERS: I received an invitation to the wedding of a colleague’s child. Every piece of correspondence noted, “This is a black-tie affair....

Ask Amy: It was a lovely wedding. And then we got...

Dear Amy: A wedding dilemma: My sister recently had a small wedding, and all of our family members were involved and pitched in.I planned...

Ask Amy: What if the young stepmother thinks we owe her?

Dear Amy: My wife and I agreed years ago to supplement my father-in-law financially after my wife’s mom passed away.We have been sending him...

Ask Amy: She’s rubbing my nose in the wedding snub

Dear Amy: I have helped out my sister’s children over the years. (She is a single mom.)I provided vacations every summer and school clothes...

Ask Amy: My son’s fiance blamed the moon for his malicious...

Dear Amy: My son and his fiance “James” are getting married this fall.When my son first mentioned that they were in the planning stages,...

Harriette Cole: What I’d say to the woman who insists on...

DEAR HARRIETTE: I’m replying to “High Expectations,” the woman who wants a $1 million engagement ring. We all have expectations, dreams and standards in...

Miss Manners: Should the bride be told what the best man...

DEAR MISS MANNERS: Should the bride and groom be shown the best man’s speech before the wedding? Or, if not them, someone else? GENTLE...

Ask Amy: I’m scared about what will happen at the wedding

Dear Amy: My brother is due to get married next year and, while I’m really happy for him, I’m dreading the idea of...

Ask Amy: My co-worker scolded me in front of the boss....

Dear Amy: I attended a professional conference recently. The attendees from my company were the president, the executive director, a co-worker and myself. The...

Miss Manners: I don’t want people to applaud at my funeral

DEAR MISS MANNERS: I have noticed that mourners now applaud at funerals after a memorial speech. Maybe I am old-school, but I do not...