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Unleashing the Gaming Genius: Mount Vernon STEAM Academy E-Sports Club Takes on High School Competition – News Puk

Unleashing the Gaming Genius: Mount Vernon STEAM Academy E-Sports Club Takes on High School Competition – News Puk
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Mount Vernon STEAM Academy is a high school located in the city that offers an E-Sports Club for students who are interested in improving their skills in a non-traditional competitive sport. Founded in 2018, the club is run by coach/counselors Ian Smith and Peter Palij, who are also social studies and maths teachers respectively.

The STEAM Knights E-Sports Club was launched in October 2023 and currently has around 60 participants. Students participate in games against teams from other high schools, primarily from the East Coast, with the results of the games recorded. The club provides students with a unique and engaging after school activity that requires strategic thinking, communication and collaboration.

According to Smith, eSports offer students an opportunity to connect with peers and build basic communication skills. Senior Zuri Jackson shared her experience, expressing how the club allowed her to collaborate with her teammates and engage in competitive play that is both challenging and enjoyable. Overall, the E-Sports Club at Mount Vernon STEAM Academy offers a valuable opportunity for students to engage in a unique and engaging extracurricular activity that can be done indoors during winter months.

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