Home News Bridge: June 7, 2024

Bridge: June 7, 2024

Bridge: June 7, 2024
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Cy the Cynic says that when you hammer in a nail, the way to avoid bashing your thumb with the hammer is to get someone else to hold the nail. To make a touchy contract, you may need help from the defenders.

Today’s North-South bid as if desperate; they got to four hearts with 10 high-card points opposite 10. West led the king of diamonds. South played low, and West continued with the queen: jack, three, ace.

South next cashed the A-K of trumps and was pleased when the suit broke evenly. He took the ace of spades, ruffed a spade, ruffed a diamond, ruffed a spade and ruffed a diamond … and was out of gas: He lost three clubs to West and went down.


South succeeds by getting West to help. On the fourth diamond, South throws a club from dummy instead of ruffing. If West leads a fifth diamond, South throws dummy’s last club.

West has only clubs left. If he leads the ace, South ruffs with dummy’s remaining trump and scores the king of clubs for a 10th trick.


You hold: S K 8 H J 2 D K Q 10 9 4 C A Q J 10. You open one diamond, your partner responds one spade, you bid two clubs and he rebids two spades. What do you say?

ANSWER: Your partner has fewer than 10 points and probably six spades. If he has a minimum such as QJ10764,765,A3,76, you need to stay low; but he could hold AQ10743,765,32,K4, and four spades would be a good spot. Don’t mastermind. Bid three spades and let partner decide.

South dealer

N-S vulnerable


S A J 7 6 2

H A 7 6 4

D J 5

C 6 2


S K 8

H J 2

D K Q 10 9 4

C A Q J 10


S Q 10 9 5 3

H Q 10

D 6 3

C 9 8 4 3


S 4

H K 9 8 5 3

D A 8 7 2

C K 7 5

South West North East
Pass 1 D 1 S Pass
2 H 3 C 3 H Pass
4 H All Pass
Opening lead — D K

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