Home Anime EXO Suho’s Historical Drama “Missing Crown Prince” Debuts with Modest Ratings Amidst...

EXO Suho’s Historical Drama “Missing Crown Prince” Debuts with Modest Ratings Amidst Fierce Competition – OtakuKart

EXO Suho’s Historical Drama “Missing Crown Prince” Debuts with Modest Ratings Amidst Fierce Competition – OtakuKart
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The debut of EXO’s Suho in the historical drama “Missing Crown Prince” received lukewarm ratings of 1.5%, overshadowed by the soaring success of its competitor “Queen of Tears,” which achieved national record-breaking ratings.

Amidst high expectations fueled by Suho’s previous acting accolades, including his well-received performance in the film “Glory Day,” “Missing Crown Prince” struggled to make a significant impact on viewers. Despite boasting an impressive production team led by director Kim Jin-man and talented writers Park Chul and Kim Ji-soo, the drama faced challenges in capturing the audience’s attention.

“Missing Crown Prince” Still (Credits: MBN)

Concerns also arose regarding the recognition of co-star Hong Ye-ji, whose acting experience before “Missing Crown Prince” was limited, leading to mixed reviews from viewers. Additionally, some viewers expressed disappointment in Suho’s portrayal, noting perceived limitations in his expression and vocalization as an idol-turned-actor.

The competition posed by “Queen of Tears,” starring Kim Soo-hyun and Kim Ji-won, further intensified the challenges for “Missing Crown Prince.” As other dramas like “Chief Detective 1958” and “The Crown Prince Gone” join the lineup, the future of “Missing Crown Prince” remains uncertain amidst the fiercely competitive Korean television.

“Missing Crown Prince” Press Conference (Credits: Korea Dispatch)

Despite its initial struggles, “Missing Crown Prince” has the potential to overcome obstacles with ongoing episodes and further developments in its narrative. Fans eagerly anticipate Suho’s growth as an actor and the drama’s ability to resonate with historical drama enthusiasts in the coming weeks.

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