Home World Jordan sets the date for holding the House of Representatives elections

Jordan sets the date for holding the House of Representatives elections

Jordan sets the date for holding the House of Representatives elections
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The official media in Jordan reported that the Independent Electoral Commission set September 10 as the date for the House of Representatives elections, after King Abdullah II had previously expressed his aspiration that the elections would bring about the political reforms that he had promised for a long time.

The Jordanian monarch, who visited the commission’s headquarters before announcing the election date, said: “Jordan is facing an important stage in the process of political modernization, which constitutes the beginning of a new phase of party and parliamentary programmatic work.”

The constitution stipulates that general elections will be held during the last four months of the end of the four-year parliamentary session, which will officially end in November. The country last held general elections in November 2020.

Musa Al-Maaytah, Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Independent Election Commission, announced the date of the new elections, and said that the number of voters who have the right to vote amounts to more than five million.

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