Home World Robinho plays football in prison with boots borrowed by inmates

Robinho plays football in prison with boots borrowed by inmates

Robinho plays football in prison with boots borrowed by inmates
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Minutes after leaving the isolation and observation regime and being integrated into the rest of the prison population at Penitentiary 2 of Tremembé (interior of SP), on the morning of Easter Sunday (31), the former player Robinho He was sought out by a group of inmates. The report comes from prison officers interviewed by the report.

The group informed the new prisoner in São Paulo that he was scheduled to participate in a football match between the inmates of the unit and asked what size the former athlete’s shoes were.

The prisoners then provided a pair of football boots and took the former Santos, Real Madrid and Brazilian national team player to the clay pitch where, as the agents told the report, the former athlete played his first match in the presidio. Inmates and staff stopped to watch the game.

According to the agents, Robinho provided a hat, pen and dribbles, including the famous pedal strokes. He also allegedly took a “rapa”, which raised dust on the ground, but ended without a fight. Everyone would have laughed and one of the prisoners would have shouted: “he was baptized!”

The agents also reported that the former player is with one other person in an 8 m2 cell, in pavilion 1. The cellmate would be a 22-year-old young man, born in Taubaté, and that he would be arrested on suspicion of a crime provided for in article 122 of the Penal Code, which talks about “inducing or instigating someone to commit suicide or practice self-harm”.

The Penitentiary Administration Secretariat (SAP) confirmed to the report that the former player is sharing a cell with another prisoner, but said it could not provide his identity for security reasons.

Robinho should receive his first visits this Sunday (7), when he will be able to receive food and clothing and personal items from his relatives. So far, his three minor children and his wife are registered. Family members were also trying to register his mother, Marina, according to people close to the player.

According to information on the SAP website, among the food options that family members can take to inmates are: sliced ​​cold cuts, sliced ​​bread, hot dogs or sausages (sliced ​​or ground), sliced, shredded or ground meat, pasta, beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas and white rice.

Carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, eggplant, pea, cucumber and tomato salads can also be included. Among the permitted desserts are pudding, manjar, simple cake without filling, brigadeiro without sprinkles and mousse. Up to three bottles of water and soft drinks are allowed.

Personal and clothing items include flip-flops, shorts and a sweater. He may also have access to a pencil, sharpener, eraser, letter pad, textbook, magazines (except pornographic), Bible or religious cult books. He can also receive photographs, a game of dominoes or a game of checkers.

With an office based in Brasília, lawyer José Eduardo Alckmin, who is in charge of the team defending the former player, works to find a defender he trusts who is closer to the prison in Tremembé to “constantly be giving the necessary assistance” to the former athlete, such as the procedures to register his mother among the visitors.

Sentenced in Italy to nine years in closed prison for the crime of rape, Robinho has been in prison since March 22, after the Superior Court of Justice (STF) approved the sentence and ordered the sentence to be served in Brazil.

The former athlete’s defense filed a new appeal with the STF asking for the arrest to be revoked. Robinho’s lawyer believes that Fux should file a habeas corpus petition to be judged next week.

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