Home World Great Britain: A memorial to the Holocaust was covered for fear that...

Great Britain: A memorial to the Holocaust was covered for fear that it would be vandalized

Great Britain: A memorial to the Holocaust was covered for fear that it would be vandalized

A monument commemorating the Holocaust in Hyde Park in central London was covered yesterday (Saturday) by the police – out of fear that it would be vandalized by pro-Palestinians. Local police officers were stationed around the monument, which was covered with a blue tarp, to prevent vandalism.The outrageous act published on the front page of the British newspaper the Daily Mail, provoked outrage among the Jewish community in Britain. “The police are so frightened by the anti-Semitic crowd, that they even hide the memory of the Holocaust. A shameful insult to the six million people,” the newspaper’s front page reads.

Holocaust survivor Naomi Ebenstein, 82, said that the act is “shameful” and represents a “victory” for anti-Semitism. “These are Jew-haters, those Holocaust deniers defeating us because we are afraid of them.” She also referred to the swastikas that were raised in London and said: “The world needs to wake up to this scourge of anti-Semitism.”

In the shadow of the growing pro-Palestinian protests, Stephen Pollard, editor-in-chief of the Jewish Chronicle newspaper, demanded that the police take tougher action against them: “‘What is the line that needs to be crossed for people to think it’s wrong for these hate marches to go on? It’s just appalling where we are. are now”.

Lord Pickles, one of the initiators of the establishment of a national Holocaust memorial near the Houses of Parliament He said: “The sight of this precious Holocaust memorial wrapped in a tarp is appalling. Have we become so scared in this country that instead of expecting pro-Palestinian protesters to obey the law, we hide the monument to save it from vandalism?”

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